Wednesday 29 January 2014

20/1/14 - Magwe - Pa Khan Nge

Monday 20 January, 2014

Magwe - Pa Khan Nge

This morning there is a further trishaw tour of downtown Magwe, but Rose isn't well and Bronwen and Steve decide to go it alone and wander about town exploring. We walk about the streets and markets - much the same as every other town we have been in - and then try to find a park where the rest of the group will eventually end up. The park is a feature because of the statue of General Aung Sung (Siu Chi's dad). We decide we have had enough fun - has been nice to stretch the legs, but we need to get back to the boat to cast off and cruise the remainder of the day to our overnight mooring (some random spot against an island in the middle of the river - I am sure the captain knew exactly where he was going!).

Betel leaves and nuts

Didn't think 30 was that cold!

Nanna naps, reading and relaxation are the order of the rest of the day. Steve and Bronwen both back to normal, Rose not so much so. Rose takes dinner in bed (just a bowl of soup), Bronwen off to bed after dinner, Steve takes in a movie / documentary on the life of Buddha.

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