Wednesday 29 January 2014

21/1/14 - Pa Khan Nge - Sale - Tan Kyi Taung

Tuesday 21 January, 2014

Pa Khan Nge - Sale - Tan Kyi Taung

A brief cruise this morning to Sale (pronounced sah-lay) where we have a relaxed walk about town to look at the various colonial building and then ending at a very special teak temple (Yout-Saun-Kyaung).

On to the largest 'lacquer ware' Buddha in Myanmar. This particular Buddha is actually made of sawdust and is also hollow. We wander back to the boat to cast off and head to Tan Kyi Taung.

At Tan Kyi Taung we all climb aboard Jeeps of various shapes, sizes and states of repair to head up Tan Kaung Mountain to the hill top stupa. The view from the top, not just of the vast vista of the hills around, but especially of the view across the Ayeyarwaddy river to Bagan in the distance was truly spectacular. It is one of those vistas where you can take as many photos as you like and try and describe it as best you can, but it is a place that you just have to have been there to experience - pagoda over your shoulder, the ancient civilisation of Bagan in the distance - this IS Myanmar.


On return to the dock, we are to be entertained by the local villagers with a traditional elephant dance(!). This is not something that we were looking forward to - again, we have feelings of exploiting the locals - but the elephant costume is impressive and the locals actually seem to get a buzz from being able to perform for us. The performance itself was also quite impressive - the costume is heavy, about 115 Kgs, and the acrobatics of the 2 villagers inside the costume demonstrate a strength and agility that is not obvious when you look at their very slight build. The performance concludes and we all make a donation to the local temple fund then back on board for sunset cocktails.

Now for what truly WAS the most embarrassing performance of the trip - we are under instruction to get dressed up in local Myanmar costume, i.e. longyi's and shirts, and then walk the catwalk to be judged for Mr and Ms Pandaw. Steve dressed in his longyi but declined the opportunity to walk the catwalk. I guess it was a bit of a laugh, but...hmmm...

Dinner. Bed.

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