Wednesday 15 January 2014

13-14/1/14 - Brisbane to Yangon

Monday/Tuesday 13/14 January, 2014

As usual, Singapore Airlines were their usual efficient selves and whisked us from Brisbane (11:45 pm departure) to Yangon effortlessly. Rose had a bit of a vommie on the way to Singapore, but otherwise trouble free travel. On arrival at Yangon, we lined up to move through customs and immigration (a queue that made LAX look efficient), were granted entry to the country, collected our bags, were met by our transfer team and headed off to our hotel.

The first thing we notice is we are driving on the right hand side of the road, but hang on a minute - the car is right hand drive!!! We look around at other vehicles and there is only the odd glimpse of a left hand drive car - very strange. Regardless of the car confusion, we duly arrive at the Chatrium Hotel where we are to stay for the next 3 nights.

On arrival, the inspection with mirrors under the car for bombs (I assume) was interesting - they didn't care about any other part of the car - just underneath it. So I I guess as long as the contraband was in the vehicle, everything was alright. Metal detector at the front door was meant to (again I assume) make us feel safe, but the fact that the alarms went off and that we just got waved through with a big smile didn't really achieve that goal. But safe we felt regardless.

We are invited to sit while reception process our check-in. Lemon tea and cold towels are brought to help refresh us and we are then taken to our room. Rose's room not ready but no problem - we go to our room and rest for a bit before heading out to explore the local area.

Adventure is called for, so we hit the roads on foot and discover the local shopping plazas and markets. Streets are busy, cars constantly honking horns, a few (very few) cyclists and no motor bikes as you normally find in Asian countries. Traffic is slightly more ordered than in Turkey, but not by much - the horn is the main weapon to let all around know that you are coming and everyone should look out! Everything is busy and crowded.

Dinner at a local restaurant was delicious - fish cakes, satay, stir fry, vegies, soup and a couple of beers all for 27,000 kyat (pronounced 'chat') - about $30. But it has been a long day - no sleep on the flight to talk of and with a 3 1/2 hour time me difference, bed seemed like a good option at 7.30!

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