Wednesday 29 January 2014

27-28/1/14 - Mandalay - Brisbane

A 5am start in order to have bags at the door by 5:30 and meet the group heading home for a 6am departure from the hotel. Mandalay airport is 50 odd kilometres out of town in the middle of nowhere - built there about 10 years ago 'catering for the future expansion of Mandalay'. We duly arrive and go through the usual airport processes before boarding our Asian Wings (!) propjet flight (via Bagan) to Yangon.

We have about 5-6 hours in Yangon before our flight to Singapore and then on to Brisbane and fortunately (and unknown to all), Cruiseco have organised 'day rooms' at a local hotel where we can have a short rest before heading in to Yangon for lunch. There is a collective moan when we hear that we have a 45 minute bus trip to lunch, but to everyone's absolute surpise and delight we end up at a restaurant called 'Le Planteur'. Subsequent research shows that this restaurant seems to be acknowledged as the best in Yangon and chef Boris Grange (trained under Paul Bocuse!) doesn't disappoint - this is without doubt the best meal of the whole trip! And it was just to fill time during transit!

Back to the airport and so begins the trudge home - Singapore (a bit of shopping during the 3 hour stopover) then home. Long crowded flights.

Customs and immigration in Brisbane trouble free, straight in to a taxi and home. Bliss!

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